Coming To Canada Blog

This blog is about the people who emigrated to Canada in 1812.

Friday, March 11, 2011


Some Risk's People Faced Coming To Canada.

•People risked sickness due to over crowding and horrible hygein.

•People had very little money and possesions left, so they usually fell into poverty.

•The free land that was offfered most of the time was unfurtile and never successfully grew crops.

Why People Came To Canada

  • They were not allowed freedom of worship.

  • The government had control over their way of life.

  • Men were forced to serve in the army.

  • There were no jobs or the jobs were low-paying jobs.

  • Many were poor and barely made enough to survive.

  • Farmers wanted to own their own land

  • Cities were overcrowded, dirty and polluted

  • The Most Popular Place To Live In Canada

    • Most popular place to live was in Upper Canada.

    •This was because it was all quiet land.

    The Conditions On The Ships

    • Conditions were Crowded.

    • Smelly from lack of washing, and constant seasickness.

    • Wet from the water spraying up form the ocean beneathe you.

    Thursday, March 10, 2011

    What risks did people take when in Canada

    Once people arrived in Canada lots thought that they were safe now and had made it passed all the major risks. They were often wrong, once in Canada there was a high risk of sickness due to over crowding and bad hygiene. once people got to Canada they often had very little money and possessions left so often fell into poverty. The free land promised to settlers was often uncleared, infertile land that no body really wanted. It took years before people living on the land could afford to start paying of debts. Many people would have there land taken from them because of there debts before they could get close to paying off all the money they owe.
    Information from Horizons Canada Moves West.
    By: Danya Cook

    Wednesday, March 9, 2011

    What risks did people take when coming to Canada?

    People coming to Canada had to risk there lives, families, and possessions to come to Canada. Many lives were lost on the long journeys to Canada due to starvation, and sicknesses. While on the ships many families would lose children and the elderly to sickness. Families could not always afford to all cross to Canada at the same time, in these cases the to groups coming across would often never find each other ever again. The cost to come to Canada was often very great for middle class families. This often lead to families selling most or all possessions for enough money to come across. Even after selling all possessions some families still only had enough money to send part of their family across. People would take all these risks with the hope that good would come from them. Many people never would even set foot on Canadian Soil. People also often expected to have better lives in Canada This was not always the case.
    Information from Horizons Canada Moves West.

    Danya Cook

    Tuesday, March 8, 2011

    The trip to Canada was one of the most hazardous things for people coming to Canada

    By: Danya Cook

    Tuesday, March 1, 2011

    This is an example of a poster that they would use to get people to immigrate. Although this poster is for America it gives you an idea of why people wanted to go on these ships. The posters they used glorified immigration and made it look fun and easy. 

                    By: Jessica Haugen ♥