Once people arrived in Canada lots thought that they were safe now and had made it passed all the major risks. They were often wrong, once in Canada there was a high risk of sickness due to over crowding and bad hygiene. once people got to Canada they often had very little money and possessions left so often fell into poverty. The free land promised to settlers was often uncleared, infertile land that no body really wanted. It took years before people living on the land could afford to start paying of debts. Many people would have there land taken from them because of there debts before they could get close to paying off all the money they owe.
Information from Horizons Canada Moves West.
By: Danya Cook
It would not be fun to go to Canada in those times.
Canada Sounds like an AWESOME place to live! haha kidding ... i would rather risk staying than getting sick and dying.
ReplyDelete- Andrew S.